Trucos Slot City

  1. Tags: – Slotomania slot – codes Slotomania “No, no. For whatever length of Slotomania trucos that you think they’ll be collecting.” “I could never inquire Slotomania trucos whether I didn’t think so. They’ll be fine as long as they comply with Slotomania trucos.” “In any case, what is it!” shouted the two gamers, who.
  2. . Creating a massive city with the type working parts that make it run without too many issues is the name of the game. This in turn leads to your custom city greatly increasing in population.

Trucos Slot City Free



Diggy’s Adventure is a adventure puzzle game where you’ll be following in Diggy’s father’s footsteps. His father was a renowned explorer and treasure hunter, but he’s gone missing so now it’s up to you to help Diggy find him! Diggy’s Adventure is primarily a top-down cave exploring game. You’ll break through walls and rocks to.


En el lanzador del juego, ve a opciones misceláneas y activar la de 'ejecutar en modo debug'. Luego, en el juego mantén pulsado Control y Alt y pulsa C. Introduce el código y pulsa Enter.

Trucos Slot City Download

Avanzar un turno: NEXTTURN
Explorar el mapa, pero se mantiene la niebla de guerra: TASMAN
Movimiento libre: CRUIJFF
Hechizos libres: HUYGENS
-1000 de felicidad a la ciudad seleccionada: GLOOMYCITY
100.000 de oro: BOSCH
100.000 de oro y mana, muestra mapa, todas las mejoras: THXBRIAN
100.000 de mana: REMBRANDT
Producción instantánea en ciudad: PHILIPS
Ganar: HEIN
Desarrollo e investigación instantánea: LEEUWENHOEK
Subir nivel de héroe: HAUER
Mapa completo con niebla de guerra: BARENTZ
Generar héroe: RUYTER
Todas las mejoras y hechizos: SPINOZA

Trucos Slot City Casino

First BloodWin a tactical battle
AdventurerComplete a quest
Siege MasterWin a siege battle
Treasure RaiderClear an exploration site
CasterHave 50 casting points on your leader
Settling DownFound an outpost
SeasonedPromote a unit to gold
SeaworthyEmbark a unit
Friend of MonstersAcquire a dwelling
RepresentCreate a custom leader
Talent ScoutRecruit 3 heroes in a single game
Paradise CityProduce all city-upgrades in a single city
Best Friends ForeverForm an alliance
Rogue's TriumphWin any level with the Rogue leader class
Silver TongueAcquire an independent town through diplomacy
Well EquippedFill all equipement slots on a single leader or hero
Mystical CityBuild a city specialization upgrade
First!!Complete an empire quest
Archdruid's TriumphWin any level with the Archdruid leader class
BlacksmithCreate an item in the item forge
Mama?Hatch an egg
ScholarResearch all skills in a single game
Protector of the LightGet pure good alignment
Master of the UnknownWin a random scenario
Join Me in DeathRecruit a Necromancer hero
Dedicated MonogamistMax out the race governance for one race in a single game
LiberatorLiberate an oppressed enemy city via a betrayal event
Scorched EarthRaze or plunder a town
ChallengerStart an online game
Taste of VictoryWin an online game
OverlordGet pure evil alignment
Power UnleashedWin any level by claiming a seal victory
You Work for Me NowForce the AI to surrender to you
Fortune's FavorMaximize a unit's luck
Party PooperUse throw filth on an enemy
Fourteenth BloodlineObtain Naga dwelling
Living in a Ghost TownAnimate a ruined town
To Heal a Frozen HeartKill a frozen enemy
Kittens EverywhereHave six Tigran cities in a single game
Deep FriendshipsObtain a Reef Colony
Warlord's TriumphWin any level with the Warlord leader class
Sorcerer's TriumphWin any level with the Sorcerer leader class
Dreadnought's TriumphWin any level with the dreadnought leader class
Theocrat's TriumphWin any level with the Theocrat leader class
Champion of the CommonwealthWin the campaign for the Commonwealth
Champion of the Elven CourtWin the campaign for the Elven Court
Rebel of the CommonwealthWin as Commonwealth defector
Rebel of the Elven CourtWin as Elven Court defector
Champion of WondersWin 10 online games
Grand Master of WondersWin 30 online games
Mine Crafted
The Importance of Being ErnestWin the campaign for the Golden Realm
Elephant WhispererBefriend an elephant
Community MemberPlay a user created map
Master of Eternal SilenceWin the Eternal Lords campaign for the Undead
Master of Eternal MagicWin the Eternal Lords Campaign for the Shadowborn
Master of Eternal WinterWin the Eternal Lords Campaign for the Frostlings
Necromancer's TriumphWin any level with the Necromancer leader class
For Whom the Bell TollsKill a leader with Invoke Death
Who Wants to Live ForeverResearch Harbingers of Death
Don't Fear the ReaperSummon a Reaper
Winter Has ComeWin any level with a Frostling leader
Cold as IceFreeze an enemy unit
Cats Rule EverythingWin any level with a Tigran leader
Lady of DarknessSummon a Fallen Angel
ShadowfallWin any level with a Shadowborn leader
Lady of LightSummon an Arch-Angel
Keep the FaithWin any level with a Keeper of Peace leader
Lady of JusticeSummon a Chthonic Guardian
Iron SkyWin any level with a Grey Guard leader
Going PostalParticipate in a PBEM game
V-MailWin a PBEM game
Interracial HarmonyMax out the race governance for three races in a single game
Great UnifierWin a unifier victory