Stephen Hawking Poker

  1. Stephen Hawking Playing Poker
  2. Stephen Hawking Poker
  3. Stephen Hawking Portal
15 Mar

Stephen Hawking and Brent Spiner In 2369 Lt. Commander Data of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-D created his dream poker team with three holographic, hyper intelligent minds from Earths history. This historic occasion proved most interesting indeed. Data's three players included Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton. Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death. Stephen Hawking: “I was playing poker with Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Commander Data on the Starship Enterprise!” by Gemma Lavender, 14 March 2018 Back in 2014, we caught up with the great scientist to get his thoughts on the universe, his cameo in Star Trek: The Next Generation and why we could be living in a hologram.

The world is in mourning, Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest scientific minds of the past 100 years, has passed away. On this day, we take a look at Hawking, the poker player, by remembering his famous game with Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Data, in one of the most memorable scenes of Star Trek: The Next Generation.


The episode features a scene in which the character Data, back to the camera, participates in a poker game with a group of brilliant scientific figures consisting of Hawking, Einstein, and Newton. Incidentally, Stephen Hawking played a game of poker with Star Trek’s Data – the fictitious future Lucasian Chair – along with fellow Chair Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein (the latter.

USS Enterprise's Lieutenant Commander Data was a well-known poker fan, he called the game 'a useful forum for exploring the different facets of humanity' despite at times being baffled by obscure poker concepts such as... bluffing.

Stephen Hawking Playing Poker

He was so fascinated by the game that in the season 6 finale 'The Descent part 1', he used the Holodeck (a room that created lifelike simulations) to have a 4 handed poker game with three of the greatest physicists of all time, Albert Einstein, Newton and, of course, Stephen Hawking.

The game was Data's favorite, 5-Card Draw, blinds and antes were meaningless in the post-scarcity economy of the 24th Century (that or the Star Trek writers knew jack about poker). We only saw a single hand but it was enough to tell us about the type of player Hawking was...

Did you catch that? He is relaxed, making jokes, entertaining the fish Albert Einstein while taking that old nit Isaac Newton down a peg. Based on this clip, we can tell Stephen Hawking could've been a stone cold poker pro!

...That is instead of just being one of the greatest minds the world has ever seen.

Stephen Hawking Poker

Stephen Hawking Poker

Stephen Hawking Portal

Good game, Professor Hawking, your great sense of humor will be sorely missed but your brilliant mind will live on for generations!