Gambling Topic In English

The year that daily fantasy sports rose to a new level. 2015 was a year that the already big business of fantasy sports gaming blew up, but it did not come without controversy. When people risk money or possessions on the result of something which is not certain, such as a card game or a horse race → betting The lottery is probably the most popular form of gambling. Gambling debts The police raided a number of illegal gambling dens (=places for illegal gambling). Easy English conversation topics for teachers and students learning to speak the language. Free speaking materials and resources for teaching and study. Whether you're a teacher or student, our conversation topics will help you start a meaningful real-world conversation for practicing English. Nick Cortese Research Outline Gambling Thesis: Gambling in society has detrimental effects to people in United States. There are certain types of gambling that people should be aware of. Gambling is any bet you make that involves chance, a stake, and there is a pay-off.

Gambling There are many ways of generating money or any other form of property. Some people work hard to make earnings while others invest their already earned resources, let people work on their investments and earn returns on their investments. Similarly, some individuals have special talents that they simply express to elicit a flow of income from other people. At the same time, some people generate their income from gambling. Gambling is a common practice that every individual do, at some point in life, either knowingly or without even the slightest idea that an individual is gambling. Regardless of the consciousness, the practice involves some form of potential gain to the involved parties. Gambling defines a game or a bet with uncertain result that aims at deriving a benefit. It involves parties that make a bet over an unpredictable outcome, at a sacrifice, and the person who is favored by the game’s outcome benefits from the sacrifices at the expense of the other parties (Johnson, 2011).
The first element of gambling is therefore existence of a game whose results are not known at the time of the parties’ entry into the gamble. The game either may involve the parties or may be independent in such a way that the parties are just but observers. An example of a game that involves the parties is a dice throwing game by the parties with a defined outcome as a win. The parties may also engage in a sport in which the winner of the sports becomes the winner of the gamble. Alternatively, it may involve a game that is being played by different parties. An example is a competitive football match or tournament such the United States premier league or a game in the premier league. In either of the cases, the result of the game that determines the winner and the looser in the gamble is uncertain at the time the parties enters into the gamble and is determinate later (Johnson, 2011).
TopicSuch a game contributes to the definition of gambling by establishing a basis upon which the winner is determines.
Another essential element that defines a gamble is the associated reward that it involves. This is because its basis involves a bet in which a party relinquishes rights over a property. The property is then put under custody with its possession determined by the outcome of the subject game. If the results favor a party’s position in the gamble then he or she becomes the owner of the property that was put on the particular gamble. Any other party who is not favored by the results of the game therefore loses their property in the game. This is the general rule of gambling that depends on lack to benefit a party based on taken chances (Johnson, 2011).

Gambling Topic In English Translation

The gain in the gamble forms the basis of motivation into the activity. Even though some people engage in gambling for mere pleasure or for company, the level of uncertainty that involves losing a bet or winning the reward thrills people into gambling (Johnson, 2011).
Gambling is therefore a game with uncertain outcomes that involves parties’ bets towards a winner’s benefit from the bets.

Gambling Topic In English Language Arts

Johnson, P. (2011). Gambling: Some definitions and distinctions. Grace to You. Retrieved from:

Gambling Topic In English Language

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