Casino Operations Management Course

  1. Casino Management Training
  • Gaming training courses for Igaming and Land-based Casino management.
  • Casino management requires knowledge in a wide array of subjects. Students take courses that cover the basics of business, as well as industry-specific topics. In associate's and bachelor's degree programs, students are also required to fulfill general education requirements. Here are some casino management-related course titles to consider.
Online Gambling

Through a multidisciplinary approach, students majoring in Resort and Casino Management will gain the expertise, commitment, and skills for management positions in this expanding industry that provides food and beverage, lodging, tourism and entertainment experiences to people around the world. Casino operations management. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Required Readings: See Course Tools Additional Resources: In the Weekly lessons, there are additional course articles and up to date APA documents Websites: In addition to the required course texts the following public domain Websites are useful. Course Learning Outcomes Casino Operations Management is a business course designed to examine casino operations. The course covers such topics as gaming history, regulation and control, sociological impacts of gaming, marketing, financial management, electronic and table games in casinos, and the future of casinos in Canada and globally.

How to Play
One of the keys to success for any business venture, including the casino as well, is the effectiveness of the management team. Management team is of a essential importance of success and profitability for a casino operation. The front line employees are dealers, cage cashiers, change attendants who need good ability to work in touch with customers, players. They as well need good technical skills to fulfill their position obligations. Employees working in the casino management positions, game managers, marketing division, V.P. of operations… need less technical skills and more ability to work through people to get things done, the ability to see the big picture of the operation.
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Typical operation starts with the president and branches out. I will describe few positions (not in the order of responsibilities in operation):
President - Responsible for the overall operation of the casino, including the hotel and all related operations.
Pit Manager - Responsible for overseeing the operation of the games (table, slots...) in a designated pit, supervises the floor persons and dealers within the pit.
Floor person - A floor person in the casino industry works directly under the supervision of the pit boss. It is the responsibility of this person to supervise the play of games at numerous tables and to specifically ensure that there are no house rules broken and that there is no cheating occurring.
Casino Surveillance - Casinos, generally hire a variety of security and surveillance officers to monitor both the interior and the exterior of the casino to be sure nothing is stolen. Numerous surveillance officers usually work the casino per shift. Monitoring is accomplished through surveillance cameras and other types of devices which are often hidden. Many gamers often refer to this as the eye in the sky; however, it has proven to be quite successful in detecting any type of theft. Surveillance officers also maintain constant communication with uniformed security officers spread throughout the casino as well as other employees such as floor supervisors to notify them of anything amiss or possible problems.
Casino Hosts - Casino hosts spend a large portion of their time actually out on the casino floor ensuring that the VIP customers are being well cared for. In many regards, the job also functions as a part of the sales and marketing department; however, there is an extensive amount of hands-on customer relations involved, therefore, individuals who are naturally people oriented usually fit well into this position. Casino hosts work to answer questions customers and ‘high rollers' may have as well as to do whatever they can to make sure these special customers feel welcome.
As a conclusion, among the key factors in successful casino management operation is heaving qualified personnel to do the job. From the lower positions, croupier has to attend the training which lasts 1-2 months, marketing division, should have proper business school, to a management position, that should likewise have proper school, and lot’s of experience.

in providing advisory services and casino management to the gaming industry.

Casino Management
Orchestrate casino openings and manage the day-to-day operations of gaming resort properties with the most experienced team in the industry.
Make the best decisions and achieve revenue goals with our detailed analysis and research.
Drive higher revenues and maximize efficiencies in your enterprise with our industry best practices.
Balance your established systems of today with the innovative technology of tomorrow using our formal methodologies and highly skilled resources.

The most experienced resources in the gaming industry become part of your team.


Casino Management Training

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